OU meets the challenges of urbanization boost: a swell in urban population, development of new urban areas, and reorganization of existing ones. Our mission is to open up the opportunity of designing large volumes of housing as quickly as possible with the lowest design costs, while maintaining the quality of projects at a high level. It is important for us to achieve the best balance between production efficiency, i.e. prime cost and external attractiveness, and high consumer qualities.
OU is a design and consulting company. Our specialization is integrated design of residential development at all stages:
- conduct of marketing research;
- formation of product specifications and terms of reference;
- development of a residential product: catalogs of apartment layouts and reusables sections, including urban planning, architectural, engineering and structural solutions;
- master planning and working with projects of complex development of territories;
- architectural and urban planning concepts;
- design and detailed documentation, field supervision.
OU supports a project from the time of the idea generation, research practice and concept development to the execution of design and detailed documentation. In our work, we rely on the long-term experience, best international practices and cooperation with the world’s leading bureaus, as well as on the highly professional team.
Please request a portfolio: contacts@openurban.ru